bookmark_borderTip for Mail User

Does it appear to you that you would like to see all mail by person? well.. that’s easy.. just open the view all mail by person

Have you ever heard about the “Collaboration History”?

This feature is WAY cool… (I 100% doubt that the big MS brother can do it 😉

See how it works:
Just right click on a mail in your mail box. select the name of the sender (or recipient, in case you sent that mail) and then select “Collaboration History”

That also works within open mails and any other place where a names field is online aware (sometimes, as in open mails, you will have to select a name, if several names are in the field, just left click the name first, then right click it)
Sidenote for developers: How to make a field online aware
I once “landed” in another database! so I will try to figure out “how” this actually works (and hopefully) and how it can be “controlled” in its behaviour
But wait.. I got one more cool thing about this!!! (nope.. my name is not Steve 😉
Just look at this screenshot and get the idea about it:

I’m loving it

bookmark_borderwould you like to have “code snippets” ready, same as other developers do?

Does it happend to you over and over again that you type the same lines of code for achieving simple stuff?

Happens to me several times a day.

With Domino 8.5 designer you have it:

Open the view “Snippets”

Once you have the view open you can simply right click and select Paste as Snippet…
You can then create new “categories”, move snippets up and down and do other things, like applying a different “view” etc.. just test it yourself
Result could be something like that:
with a simple “double click” on such a snippet it is “pasted” at the insertion point in the Editor.
Unfortunately this only works in the “Eclipse-based LotusScript editor” and it will crash the Designer if you try it on the normal LotusScript Editor
Enjoy it.. I love it

bookmark_bordereasiest way to open design elements

are you frustrated with the BIG, I really mean B*I*G, navigation on the left-hand-side?
all those design element categories, you are constantly opening and closing categories or subcategories

Use <ctrl><shift><r> and start entering the prefix of your element you are looking for (frm for forms, view or lup for views or lookup views, class for LS classes, agn for Agents, pg for pages etc…)

in fact I just figured out: views can’t be found: typing view will not yield anything. luckily you can enter *view or *lup to find all your lookup views.

You could even use something like *xyz*view to find a view containing xyz.

You can with <ctrl><F10> open the “menu” for the dialogbox, that way it’s also easy to switch/choose the working set from your keyboard

The only thing I miss here is the possibility to search for “aliases” too

too bad <ctrl><shift><r> is not enabled always. In the Navigate menu you can always access it but for some reason it’s not always bound to the key sequence 🙁 (open a Script Library and check the Navigate Menu)
but in such bad circumstances you could still use the accelerators: <alt><n> and <u>

I have reported this issue via feedback
report it too (<alt><h> and <s>) to increase the awareness of it on IBM side!

bookmark_borderannoyed of the Sidebar taking too much space?

Are you annoyed with the Sidebar taking too much space?

use keyboard shortcuts to open/close:
to open use <ctrl><4>
to close use <ctrl><0>

you can use <ctrl><F7> for a menu with open panels:

You can then use the keyboard to select a panel (let’s say Sametime), you then use some <tab> keys to navigate to the searchfield and you can easily find your desired chat partner without the need to use the mouse

bookmark_borderfind/use applications most easily in the Lotus Notes client

Do you hate the “Workspace” in Lotus Notes?
Are you lost finding your applications?

1. use bookmarks and folders and give the folders intelligent names
2. use the open button (<alt gr><b> or <ctrl><alt><b>, <alt gr> = the righthand-side <alt>)

I have a project called AWC. typing in awc will find too many items. but using .AWC as a folder (DOT AWC) I can enter .awc and it lists only that folder

In fact you can use any character as prefix for your foldernames. I found the “.” to be easy to access, easier than @ or # or +

bookmark_borderHow to install additional language dictionaries in Lotes Notes 8.5.2

Do you miss additional language dictionaries to spell check your texts in Lotus Notes 8.5.2?
Here is the solution:


1. download this Zip File (

2. extract the updateSite for the dictionary you need (I use C:temp)
3. extract the extracted updateSite (I use in this example: C:temp)

4. Ensure in the Notes client that you can use Widgets: FilePreferencesWidgets

5. select ViewRight Sidebar PanelsMy Widgets
6. select ViewRight SidebarOpen (or use <ctrl><4>)
7. select the right hand side MenuConfigure a Widget from…Features and Plugins on an Update Site

8. enter file:/c:/TEMP/site.xml
9. click load and select the displayed feature then click Next > and Finish
10. Restart your Notes client and select the new dictionaries to be used for spell checking