bookmark_borderquindip: make accessing events/properties faster

Are you annoyed having to click x-times to get to your properties/events?

I am…

but how about this:

Detach the properties and events views and place them on a separate monitor so that you always have them available. I use an external screen and have the properties/events views detached on my internal LCD.

right click header of the view in designer and select “Detached”

This way I don’t bother resizing the panel on the bottom every 10 seconds. I click a field or any other element and then I turn my head to look at my secondary screen and have immediate access to all my properties/events I need…

this would be even cooler if it would work with <alt><tab> but it doesn’t! (->IBM: do you listen/read?)

bookmark_borderever wondered how to toggle single-sign on feature?

If you did install the single-sign-on feature with Lotus Notes and you got it working, fine.

But what if for some reason you want to disable this feature?

And you find unluckily it’s grayed out and thus cannot be disabled?

help is around the corner…

run Notes as “Administrator”

and you happily find this feature “active” (ie. not grayed out anymore), thus you can now disable it

bookmark_borderdid you know about all those “undocumented” features LN offers?

following this link you will find a lot of really cool stuff which is hidden underneath, ie. undocumented

IBM: please make those features “documented”!

do you personally use “undocumented” stuff in the LN world? did you ever face challenges?

bookmark_borderovercome designer sluggishness to open design elements

If you are a Domino designer I am 100% sure you are as frustrated as me when you double click any design element and it takes for ages for it to open.

1. double click the design element
2. click on any other tab of a view..

usually the design element then opens immediately

BUT: be aware that you didn’t “single-click” first on another design element, cause that would cause that element to be opened 🙁



bookmark_borderupdate on “easiest way to open design elements”

Hi again

Here is an update on “easiest way to open design elements” which seemed to be very obvious..

In the other post (see link above) I wrote that the keyboard shortcut <ctrl><shift><r> does not always work when the focus is wrong.

but you can easily change the focus to the “Applications” view with another shortcut: <ctrl><F7>.
Actually <ctrl><F7> is the same used to switch focus in the client (see here)

So in the designer you would get a popup menu something like this:

You then can simply choose the db you are working on to get the focus (in this example iPinky) and then continue with <ctrl><shift><r> to find the design element you want to open

bookmark_borderwould you like to have “code snippets” ready, same as other developers do?

Does it happend to you over and over again that you type the same lines of code for achieving simple stuff?

Happens to me several times a day.

With Domino 8.5 designer you have it:

Open the view “Snippets”

Once you have the view open you can simply right click and select Paste as Snippet…
You can then create new “categories”, move snippets up and down and do other things, like applying a different “view” etc.. just test it yourself
Result could be something like that:
with a simple “double click” on such a snippet it is “pasted” at the insertion point in the Editor.
Unfortunately this only works in the “Eclipse-based LotusScript editor” and it will crash the Designer if you try it on the normal LotusScript Editor
Enjoy it.. I love it

bookmark_bordereasiest way to open design elements

are you frustrated with the BIG, I really mean B*I*G, navigation on the left-hand-side?
all those design element categories, you are constantly opening and closing categories or subcategories

Use <ctrl><shift><r> and start entering the prefix of your element you are looking for (frm for forms, view or lup for views or lookup views, class for LS classes, agn for Agents, pg for pages etc…)

in fact I just figured out: views can’t be found: typing view will not yield anything. luckily you can enter *view or *lup to find all your lookup views.

You could even use something like *xyz*view to find a view containing xyz.

You can with <ctrl><F10> open the “menu” for the dialogbox, that way it’s also easy to switch/choose the working set from your keyboard

The only thing I miss here is the possibility to search for “aliases” too

too bad <ctrl><shift><r> is not enabled always. In the Navigate menu you can always access it but for some reason it’s not always bound to the key sequence 🙁 (open a Script Library and check the Navigate Menu)
but in such bad circumstances you could still use the accelerators: <alt><n> and <u>

I have reported this issue via feedback
report it too (<alt><h> and <s>) to increase the awareness of it on IBM side!