Update selected records

Yes, there’s an OOTB functionality

Problem is: it will use the current “view” and thus, most likely, allow to change all fields.

What if you want to restrict this update to certain fields only?

First design a new “view” only containing the fields they are allowed to change on mass. It’s actually a Form Design.

Configure Form Design\New…

After creation you can switch to the newly created view (or form)

Before: Standard (or default form)

After: my stripped down form

Basic idea:

An Client side UI action where we call the dialog, call the new “submit” button, handle updates on selected records.

Code: doStuff() is set in the Onclick field of the UI action

function doStuff() {
    try {
        var d = new GlideModalForm('my dialog`s title', 'your_table_name');
        //var d = new GlideDialogForm('my dialog`s title', 'your_table_name');


	d.addParm("sysparm_view_forced", true);

        // in the fixSubmit we replace the submit button with our own "submit" button
	// used for GlideDialogForm


    } catch (e) {
        // log your error


// this function will be called from the newly created button
// use this function to update your selected records as you please
function mySubmit() {
    try {
        // document from dialog in iframe
        var doc = document.getElementById('dialog_frame').contentWindow.document;
        // retrieve values entered in the dialog
        var sd = doc.getElementById('sn_customerservice_case.short_description').value;

        // g_list.getChecked has a comma separated list of sys_id of records you have selected
        var recordsToUpdate = g_list.getChecked().split(',');
        recordsToUpdate.forEach(function(thisElement) {
            var gr = new GlideRecord('sn_customerservice_case');
            // retrieve record
            // update it's values, maybe add a check if there WAS a value in the dialog, otherwise you'll write '' back to the records
            gr.setValue('short_description', sd);

        // remove the dialog from the DOM, to prevent a nasty message telling you you might lose entered data
        // refresh the list
        return true;

    } catch (e) {
        // log your error

// removing the original submit button as it creates a record which we don't need
// add our own submit button which calls the mySubmit function which updates records as needed
function fixSubmit() {
    try {
        // document from dialog in iframe
        var doc = document.getElementById('dialog_frame').contentWindow.document

        // hide original submit button as it always creates a new record which we don't need
        var btnSubmit = doc.getElementById('sysverb_insert_bottom');
        btnSubmit.style.display = 'none';

        // create our own submit button
        var btn = doc.createElement("button");
        btn.innerHTML = "our own Submit button";
        btn.type = "button";
        btn.name = "formBtn";
        btn.id = "mySubmitButton";
        // the mySubmit will not be on the iframe of the dialog but on the entire page
        // that's why we need to call it via parent.
        btn.setAttribute('onClick', 'parent.mySubmit()');
        // insert the newly created button where the original has been hidden above
        btnSubmit.parentNode.insertBefore(btn, btnSubmit.nextSibling);

    } catch (e) {
         // log your error


The crucial thing to make d.addParm(‘sysparm_view’,’Test_For_Blog’); work was the next line:

d.addParm(“sysparm_view_forced”, true);

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